Oct 7, 2011

October Fest

Its October! and First Semester is almost over.
but before that,  we have to go through a lot of Exams.
and this is what I call the October Fest!
What I great way to start the month right?
And also to add up! This is also my birthday month, [party on!]

As a normal medical student it is really a lifelong daily habit to keep on studying. Sometimes I just get immune to the fact that I entered to this huge responsibility and yes I accepted that this is how life of Doctor-to-be really is. Study. Study and Study.

So basically this would be a week of exams everyday. and yes sir I mean everyday a Fest of Exams. Poor brain cells of mine. And that means no more sleep, no more relaxation, no nothin. -___-

Here are the scheduled OCTOBER FEST of EXAMS :
Oct. 1 - Biochemistry Long Exam 5
Oct. 3 - Principles of Medical Practice
Oct. 4 - Physiology Finals
Oct. 5 - Gross Anatomy Lecture
Oct. 6 - Histology
Oct. 7 - Anatomy Laboratory & Preventive Medicine and Community Health
Oct. 8 - Biochemistry & Psychology

And this is how I will ended our first Semester
Hardcore work. I know
And it ain't NO Joke.

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