Apr 15, 2011

MD Fresh start

So I entered Medicine last year. Ditched it. And now here I am again determined to finish it.

Well, all this Medical career was at first a big jump where I kinda felt I could try to do it since my Nursing career has no place to go. I was unsure of what I am doing. I don't even have my NMAT for crying out loud! Cause normally, Before any student goes into Medicine, one must take the NMAT. which is the entrance examination for each aspiring medical student to enter the school they wish too. In my case, I took my NMAT Dec2010 later on and I already started my First year Med Life. 
My school had been considerate about me taking the NMAT later since they don't require any passing grade. 

So as soon I arrived back from the states, I immediately look for it and there. I ain't so proud of my NMAT score.. i got a 42 [clap.clap.clap]
not the grade i expected to be but yet I didn't prepare for it anyhoo...since all the drama came by. Enough about it. 

So right now, I seriously have a month left to get myself straight up and focus. 
Since i went through a year. Now I know how to do it right.
 This will be a Battle. a Marathon. a Challenge against myself where I will seriously take charge and finish this degree. Set Priorities straight and explore my full potential.

1st Year 2011-2012 I WILL ROCK THIS YEAR!! Seriously. All for the glory of the Lord and my daughter who He healed.

as the saying goes.

"The Doctor Treats. but the Lord Heals."

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